Sometime between 1914 and 1928, Horatio Willis Dresser (1866-1954), one of the founders of the movement known as New Thought, worked on a manuscript which he titled “The Psychology and Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg.” Although never published, his purpose was to construct a theory of psychology utilizing Swedenborg’s law of correspondences and Divine influx. The manuscript, now edited and annotated, was unique in that by selectively using Swedenborg’s writings, he introduced the Swede’s psychology and philosophy into a twentieth century context, taking into account the disciplinary developments that had occurred in the intervening centuries. Dresser constructed a theory of psychology (“science of the soul”) that merged Swedenborgianism with the newest discoveries in the sciences and social sciences. Whether dealing with Darwin’s theory of natural selection, or contemporary theories of psychology that explained human behavior as the product of natural experiences (i.e., without a soul), he felt there was enough truth in Swedenborg’s writings to understand the inner life of humans and those affections of the will which prepared them for the spiritual world. The endgame of human personality—a combination of body, mind, and spirit—was union with God where the “self” retained its individuality alongside the blessedness of other similar souls in a heavenly society. Swedenborg’s psychology placed the primacy of human activity on the inner life with its “upward look to the Divine.” During the years that Dresser worked on the Swedenborg manuscript, he found himself attuned to the ideas and practices of the so-called Emmanuel Movement and its imitators. Having studied with Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung and Austrian psychotherapist Alfred Adler, Dresser concluded that human infirmities were best attacked by a combination of religion, psychology, and medicine. It was this motivation that caused him to join the Associated Clinic of Religion and Medicine, later renamed the Associated Counseling Service, a consortium of churches and clinics in Brooklyn where, from 1931 to 1953, he offered his services in applied psychology.
