
Zhang LuFollow

Degree Name

Master of Music

Graduate Program



Dr. Diane Coloton


This document presents scholarly program notes on the Graduate Recital of Master of Music in Vocal Performance candidate Zhang Lu. This document introduces Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Laudamus te” from his Great Mass in C Minor; five songs on the poetry of Friedrich Rückert as set by Gustav Mahler; Mimì’s third act aria “Donde lieta uscí” from La Bohème by Giacomo Puccini; three French mélodies by Pauline Viardot; American art songs “The Lordly Hudson” by Ned Rorem and “Lady of the Harbor” by Lee Hoiby; and Il Bacio by Luigi Arditi. A summary of each of piece is presented along with a brief history of the composer and the historical context of their compositions.
