Degree Name

Master of Science

Graduate Program

Mass Communication and Media Arts


Torre Paul


During the last decade, the fast development of new technologies: the Internet, personal computer, portable electronic device, etc., have powerful influences on people’s life especially their consuming behavior. By making consumer’s lives easier, technologies also empower them through more choices on merchandise. Meanwhile, new technologies also drive enterprises, particular media companies, to operate with state-of-the-art techniques, physically as well as structurally. This research project studies the convergence of conventional media with new technologies by focusing on the managerial issues with convergence and business strategies that conventional media companies are using. In this project, it will concentrate on the newspaper and television sector of conventional media industry, there are two case studies: The New York Times and National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The research will not only review the strategies that theses two companies are using, but will also compare the similar and different strategic operational approaches between the newspaper and television industries.
