Planning for a Sustainable Surface Transportation System in an Uncertain Future
Department or Field of Research
renewable energy
Submission type
Guest Speaker
uncertain transportation future
Brief Description
n the midst of funding shortfalls, mounting infrastructure replacement needs, and Increased pressure to lessen dependence on petroleum fuels, cities, counties, MPOs and states are planning for the next generation of surface mobility understanding that vehicle automation and communication is rapidly transforming user expectations. These changes will also have significant impact on energy, emissions, and requirements for roadway infrastructure. We are just not sure what those impacts are going to be. This talk examines some of these pressures, early evidence on what those impacts could be, and initial efforts to plan the future in light of the uncertainty.
Planning for a Sustainable Surface Transportation System in an Uncertain Future
n the midst of funding shortfalls, mounting infrastructure replacement needs, and Increased pressure to lessen dependence on petroleum fuels, cities, counties, MPOs and states are planning for the next generation of surface mobility understanding that vehicle automation and communication is rapidly transforming user expectations. These changes will also have significant impact on energy, emissions, and requirements for roadway infrastructure. We are just not sure what those impacts are going to be. This talk examines some of these pressures, early evidence on what those impacts could be, and initial efforts to plan the future in light of the uncertainty.