Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Advisor
Wang, Haibo
In modern embedded systems, real-time applications are often executed on multi-core systems that also run non real-time critical applications. It is well known that cache sharing among multi-core systems or concurrent threads running on a single CPU potentially causes real-time application execution delays. This makes the worst-case execution time (WCET) prediction of these real-time applications more difficult. An encouraging approach to address this problem is prioritized cache. Currently, the implementation of prioritized cache is done at the architectural level using cache controllers. This thesis focuses on the implementation of two prioritized LRU (least-recently-used) cache replacement policy circuits inside the cache circuit to support the prioritized cache operation. This will decrease cache latency. The circuits are implemented using the Synopsys 28nm EDK. Based on the circuit implementation, the area and power overheads associated with prioritized cache are investigated. Two prioritized LRU circuit designs are presented.
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