Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Komarraju, Meera


Despite the recent recession, organizations continue to search for the "right" employees. Such circumstances highlight the importance of further understanding how individuals make employment decisions and assess fit. By surveying 140 applicants who had recently finished the interview process at a large Midwestern hospital, the current study assessed the multidimensionality and predictive power of person-environment fit (person-vocation fit, person-job fit, person-person fit, and person-organization fit). Results suggested that person-environment fit is multi-faceted; fit dimensions simultaneously work together during the pre-hire phase. Specifically, person-person fit, person-organization fit, and person-vocation fit were significant predictors of organizational attraction. Person-person fit and person-job fit significantly predicted intentions to accept an employment offer. In addition, organizational attraction was identified as a partial mediator between overall person-environment fit and job offer acceptance intentions. Such findings contribute to the organization fit literature and provide practitioners with key insights on how applicants assess fit during the pre-employment stage.




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