"Needs of Georgian Secondary Agricultural Educators" by Jason Peake, Dennis W. Duncan et al.


This purpose of this study was to determine the perception of secondary educators involved in Future Farmers of Georgia (FFG) schools throughout the country of Georgia concerning their needs for furthering the existing framework of agricultural education. The researchers used a modified focus group method to meet the aformentioned purpose of this study. The population for this study consisted of the high school agricultural education teachers and their administrators who were participating in the FFG Program (n=14). Qualitative data collected from the probe (first round) was used to generate a series of 46 statements. In the second round participants were asked to rank the 46 statements using a five point Likert-type scale. Due to events in the Former Republic of Georgia, the third round could not be conducted. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the round two data would be used to meet the purpose and objectives of this study. Participants strongly agreed that the FFG program strengthens leadership skills among their students and students have become more involved in practical/labor activities. They also agreed that gaining knowledge and skills from the FFG program will improve the future development of agricultural education in the country. Participants also strongly agreed that improvement of schools’ materials, technology, and development are necessary to improve the FFG program. Participants were either neutral or agreed with the following statements: due to the FFG program, academic performance has been increased among students; and students have greater academic success in history and geography.
