Degree Name

Master of Science

Graduate Program

Rehabilitation Administration and Services


Crimmando, William


This paper examines the effects of feedback, praise, and monetary incentives on staff performance and job satisfaction in home health facilities. Specifically, the role motivation plays in job satisfaction and job performance and how various types of monetary and non-monetary incentives motivate employees in ways that lead to job satisfaction and heightened job performance.

The purpose of this paper is to review an adequate body of literature and research to explore the relationship between motivation and incentives among employees. This study is especially relevant to the rehabilitation profession, as turnover rates among direct care workers in home health facilities has rampantly increased over the past ten years (Kim, 2013). The typical annual turnover rate in these facilities varies from 42.6% to 75%. Addressing issues with low job satisfaction can help to address issues with high turnover and revenue loss.

A thorough review of literature discovered that monetary and non-monetary incentives contribute to job satisfaction and job performance. However, research suggests that job satisfaction and performance typically increases the most when both monetary and non-monetary incentives are used simultaneously. Non-monetary incentives such as feedback, praise, and autonomy appear to be highly effective when coupled with monetary incentives with a full benefit package that includes a competitive salary, healthcare benefits, and job security. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to perform better on their jobs. Increased job satisfaction and job performance also has been found to result in better quality care services offered to clients.
