Degree Name

Master of Science

Graduate Program

Behavior Analysis and Therapy


Dixon, Mark R.


When playing on multiline slot machine games, small “wins” often amount to less than the original spin wager, which results in a financial loss to the gambler. However, the gambler may feel as if he is winning because these “wins” are paired with audio-visual feedback. The influence of losses disguised as wins was examined to determine if this had an influence on latency, trial ratings, and the number of trials played. Thirty-one participants played a minimum of 50 trials on a simulated multi-line slot machine. The participants were divided into three groups with 16%, 30%, and 46% of trials being losses disguised as wins. Results showed that trial type had a significant impact on latency and rating, as losses disguised as wins fell between wins and losses in terms of latencies and ratings. Clinical implications and future directions are discussed.
