Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Workforce Education and Development
First Advisor
Waugh, Christopher
Second Advisor
Anderson, Marcia
AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION DEBORAH A. DIFFENAUER, for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Education, presented at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. TITLE: Job Satisfaction and the Perceived Organizational Culture of U. S. Military and Military Affiliated Personnel at a Midwestern University MAJOR PROFESSOR: C. Keith Waugh, Ph.D. This study examined the relationship between demographic characteristics, level of job satisfaction, and current/preferred organizational culture in a sample of 139 off-campus military degree program participants. Responses were received from undergraduate students in the fields of engineering, applied sciences and arts, and education. The Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985) was used to assess the participant's level of satisfaction in current occupations. The second instrument used to assess the participant's current and preferred organizational culture was a combined version of Harrison & Stokes (1992) Diagnosing Organizational Culture Instrument DOCI and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument OCAI developed by Cameron & Quinn (1999b). Descriptive characteristics, eta cross tabulations and Spearman's Rho bivariate correlations were executed on the data and statistically significant differences were found. The study provided evidence to validate the existence of correlations between levels job satisfaction and perceptions of organizational culture. Specifically, there exists a relationship between some of the participant's demographic characteristics (gender, status, and current occupation), with job satisfaction, and organizational culture within the military environment given the various subcultures and defined roles.
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