Volume 95, Issue 1 (1994) Coping With the Flood: The Next Phase
Evolution of Floodplain Management
James M. Wright
Flood Hydrology and the Floodplain
Luna B. Leopold
Droughts, Floods, and Sustainability
Dennis R. Keeney and Robert H. Alexander
River Management Post-1993: The Choice is Ours
Scott Faber and Constance Hunt
Responding to the 1993 Flood: The Restoration Option
Leonard Shabman
The Role of the National Flood Insurance Program in Reducing Losses and Promoting Wise Use of Floodplains
Howard C. Kunreuther and Gilbert F. White
Flood Hazard Delineation: The One Percent Standard
William B. Lord
Warnings, Mitigation, and Litigation: Lessons for Research from the 1993 Floods
Eve Gruntfest and Daniel Pollack