
The Journal of Applied Sciences and Arts (JASA) is a peer-reviewed journal for publishing use-driven research and creative outcomes. We make the distinction between basic research and applied research by following the use-driven research paradigm advanced by Donald Stokes in Pasteur's Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation: a model of research done carefully, i.e., good science, but motivated by specific practical needs, hence referred to as need-driven or use-driven. Stokes points out that this interplay of science and technology is not unique, and the history of science and technology abounds with similar stories. JASA provides a unique opportunity to feature experiences in sciences and arts as applied to important technological needs in solving complex practical societal problems in many areas of human endeavor.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 3 (2017)



Front Matter
Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera Ph.D.


Perspectives and Researcher Experiences of Undergraduate Research
Steven C. Goetz, Matthew J. Romero, and Michael F. Robertson


End Matter
Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera Ph.D.