

The stories found within these pages disclose graphic and intimate details regarding numerous accounts of physical, sexual, and drug-based assaults. These stories are raw, they are bloody, and they are mine. There are parts of me that I wish I could continue to remain silent about. However, I hold on to hope that these pages may offer some form of healing for myself and for (potentially) you. Given the nature of these pages, reader, I implore you to approach the essay carefully and cautiously. In this paper, I performatively engage with an internal family system of various personae that have manifested as a result of different anger responses to trauma. Through a system (dis)embodiment and narrative personification, I come to an intimate knowledge of varying orientations of anger and the role they play in my continued survival. Each member of the aggressional family, Rage, Resilience, Revenge, and Recovery, offers a unique insight into how anger can be understood as a central force of protection, growth, and healing. These pages may prove just as challenging to read, as they were to write. Let your anger guide you.
