

An experiment was conducted in order to examine the effect of different concentrations of Imazaquin applied as both pre and post emergence treatments on soybean plants. Soybean variety TGX 17402X was used in this experiment. Results obtained revealed that efficacy of Imazaquin varies according to concentration and time of application. Adequate weed control was achieved in all the concentrations of Imazaquin with the best in concentration 0.375 kg a i./ha applied as pre emergence and all the concentrations applied as post emergence at 4 WAP (Weeks after planting) ,0.250 and 0.375 kg a i./ha at 12 WAP. Stem height was best at higher concentration of 0.375 kg, a i./ha (45.00cm) at 8WAP while at 12 WAP, pre emergence concentration 0.250 kg. a i./ha and post emergence 0.375kg.ai./ha also produced best stem heights of 67.00 and 68.00cm respectively. Leaf number was highest in the control experiment with 50 leaves at 8 WAP followed by post emergence concentration of 0.375 and 0.250 kg.a i./ha with 46.00 and 45.00 which were not statistically significant. However, the control, pre emergence treatments of concentrations 0.125 and 0.375 kg. a i./ha, and the post emergence concentration of 0.375 kg. a i./ha were significantly higher than the rest at 9 WAP (61,60,58 and 57 respectively). At 12WAP, concentrations of 0.125 and 0.250kg. a i./ha at post and pre emergence application produced significantly higher number of leaves than the remaining treatments. Weed emergence was significantly higher in the control experiment at 4, 8, 9 and 12WAP.
