
Abstracts of presentations given on Wednesday, 19 July 2006, in session 25 of the UCOWR Conference.


High rates of water withdrawal from the Ogallala aquifer threatens sustainability of various agricultural uses. Since rainfall patterns differ across many Western regions where beef grazing and combined beef and crop rotation practices prevail, locating grasses that meet high nutrition standards for beef while dramatically reducing water requirements (from irrigation of rainfall) under normal and drought conditions rises in importance. We present results of a two year study on 54 hectares using WW-B.Dahl [Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz) S.T. Blake] pasture. For two consecutive summers, we evaluated forage standing crops and the quality of WW-B.Dahl grass under summer grazing conditions subject to three levels of water application in Lubbock County, Texas: dryland conditions, low water applications and high applications. In each category, there was substantive reduction in water withdrawals.
