

In this paper we present a pedagogical tool that can be used in and out of classroom settings to explore Diversi and Moreira's (2009) notion of betweenness, or liminal spaces within and among identities. Intricate Identities is an activity that invites discussion of the dynamics of identity and betweenness. In our paper, we share what we have learned through facilitating three variations of Intricate Identities with several introductory level classes. After providing a detailed description of each variation, we consider the students’ reactions to the identity activity. This consideration includes accounting for our own identities– facilitators rather than participants, instructors on record, women, a woman of color and a white woman – and how our own identities may relate to our students’ reactions. We conclude with comments on how this activity helps students explore the betweenness within their own identities and the betweenness among the many identities represented in our classrooms.
