Mental Health on College Campuses

Izabel M.N. Liwo

Dear Ms. Nancy Vorhees,

I have sent you an e-mail at in response to your e-mail. Kindly get back to me. Thank you.

Best regards,

Izabel Liwo



Izabel Liwo, for the master of science degree in professional media and media management studies, presented on November 2, 2011, at southern Illinois university Carbondale.


MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. William Freivogel


According to research published by the International Association of Counseling services more students on college campuses are seeking counseling. This study takes a look at factors that may lead to an increase of counseling centers seeing more clients, factors that contribute to mental health disorders and the effects of early intervention or no psychiatric intervention at all. The paper also examines and compares the psychological services offered at two different college campuses across the state of Illinois, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and Northern Illinois University located at the city of Dekalb in comparison to Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The study stems from an increased level of concern for college students and the state of their mental health after the 2007 campus shootings at Virginia Tech and 2008 shootings a year later at Northern Illinois University. Therefore this study also examines campus safety and all-hazards prevention and preparedness plans at all three universities in accordance with the Illinois Campus Safety Task Force enacted on April 15, 2008 by former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. On that note, the study should reflect where Southern Illinois University comparatively stands on a state level when it comes to the quality of their psychological health services and crime prevention, safety, and efficient response action. The paper also discusses the pressure by higher educational facilities to offer accredited quality psychological services, campus safety, all-hazards preparedness plans, crime prevention plans, and efficient response and emergency notification systems. The paper examines the implications and roles of faculty, health care staff, campus enforcement and key campus administrators as well as key objectives to meeting the needs and demands for psychological services.