

Non timber forest products (NTFPs) consist of goods of biological origin other than timber. Pakistan has great diversity in its relief feature, giving arise to unique floral compositions. 80% of the forest dwellers are dependent on NTFPs in one way or the other due to poverty. Forest dwellers rely on their indigenous knowledge for collecting, processing, packing, drying, marketing and consumption of various NTFPs. Some of the important NTFPs produced in Pakistan are: morels, honey, fruits and nuts, vegetable, condiments and spices, mazri palm, silk cocoon, and many others. 131 species are reported during the study. About 34% of local people are dependent on NTFPs for income generation. The prices and production of many NTFPs are fluctuating in different years. Some of NTFPs are exported, earning valuable foreign exchange like chalghoza, morels, walnuts etc. There was an export of 1384.72 million in 1999-00. These products, after collection and processing, are sold to the middleman who than sells into main market. 65% of the product is lost during the way to final product. The study reveals present situation of trade and marketing of NTFPs and future guidelines for proper planning and management.
